Veems officially launched its new feature, VeemsCast, on June 25, 2015 in Z Hostel, Makati. VeemsCast is a broadcasting tool, which helps bloggers get their word out to the right audience and increase engagement. Unlike many brand pages or social media channels, VeemsCast provides high engagement between the blogger through private chats and clear call-to-action buttons.
Iddo Goren, Veems CEO, said, “We are thrilled to release VeemsCast in the Philippines. We believe that the blogging community here is strong and vibrant.” During the launch, Goren also revealed VeemsCast’s future features that can further help bloggers as well as brands and businesses to connect with their followers in a more engaging and meaningful way. The features include simple voting and event tools and a management dashboard to help achieve the best possible results.
Choosing the Philippines for the first official launch of VeemsCast was mainly prompted by Filipinos’ high reception to Veems. Veems is a progressive quick messaging app for Android. Launched on Google Play in June 2014, Veems has quickly won the hearts of the Filipinos. Today, it has over 400,000 users in the Philippines alone. It consistently stayed on Google Play’s top 10 free social apps since it was released.
Select bloggers, brand partners including Macpower and Kata Philippines, and the pioneer VeemsCasters attended the launch. Bloggers who are currently on VeemsCast are GirlyGeek, Work at Home Pinas, Gadget Pilipinas and Azrael’s Merryland.
Currently, VeemsCast is only available to bloggers in the Philippines. However, interested bloggers and businesses must apply for an account first before given access to VeemsCast. This is to ensure that users get the best content possible.
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